Welcome to my space, I invite you to come join me, to see what it feels like to reconnect, to rediscover who you are and where you come from. To call forth the magic that is inside you by seeing it in front of you.

Work with me

Portal to You Heart 6 month Coaching Package:

Are you at that point where you know things need to be different but where do you start? You may know what your heart really wants but think you lack the courage, knowledge, skills, or strength to do “it”. I know that it feels impossible to do one more thing, your “to do list” is already overwhelming! After all, your life isn’t that bad as it is. You are doing your best just juggling what you have going on, there is no more time in a day to connect with yourself and really what does that mean? It is so hard to change what you think and do after all you have been like this a long time and it is comfortable. After all, your life isn’t that bad as it is.

Wouldn’t it be great to get a different perspective, be able to speak your heart and really be heard? You are so tired of doing things the same old way, but can someone really help you find where to start? Is there a path, a guidebook, a couple of simple tools that will transform you life? Well, that is where I come in, I have spent my life doing things and seeing things “differently” (and many years fighting that) and creating my own path. As a scientist driven my curiosity, I learned to be observant, solve problems, and look at things from both the “big picture” aspect and the smallest of details. As a teacher I learned to listen gave me the most tools to facilitate a students learning. As an artist I discovered that I see and express things in a way that captures the desire I have to connect to the earth and to share that connection and to look at something just ever so slightly differently!

  1. What is in the 6 month package?
  2. You will get a package personalized to guide you to the shifts you want to make.
  3. We start with a worksheet for you to consider and answer to help me get to know you, where you are at, what gets in your way, and what your goals are.
  4. We will have one-on-one interactions in person, by phone and email including 2 direct 1 hr sessions per month (by phone, Skype, Facetime or in person) that are pre-scheduled.
  5. You will have access to all the resources I have available and tools I have collected on my journey.
  6. I will help you track your progress, keep you accountable for the outcomes you set up in our initial calls, be your cheerleader and most of all listen, really listen.
  7. At the end of the 6 months, we will draft a plan for you to continue the work we have started on your own.

Curious, Interested, Have Questions?

Red Rock Portal = new moonSignup for a FREE 20-30 min call so we see if we are a good match for each other and go over the package, your questions and any concerns you may have

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