Welcome to my space, I invite you to come join me, to see what it feels like to reconnect, to rediscover who you are and where you come from. To call forth the magic that is inside you by seeing it in front of you.


Please enjoy these images. You can read more about them in my blog. When an image becomes available for purchase you will be able to do so by clicking on the image itself, until then please enjoy and of course let me know what magic the image shows you! Sign up to follow my blogs and I will email you when I add new images and when I have special offers!

I see images in nature and this is from my hike down the Grand Canyon.. I noticed the color variations in a rock along the way and as I got closer I saw the shape of a dragon (it immediately reminded me and connected me to one of my nephews who loves dragons) and as I moved around I saw several dragon-head shapes.. all formed by the combination of erosion of the rock minerals and lichen-like creatures that made the rock their home.

Looking up a branch off Grandmother Aspen tree... the simple act of Looking UP gave a  vision with so many messages

Looking up a branch off Grandmother Aspen tree… the simple act of Looking UP gave a vision with so many messages

This image is a piece of bark pealing off a juniper tree… I was drawn to the colors and shapes of the bark and it wasn’t until I uploaded the images that I saw this shape- that of a bird head like the geese flying overhead emerging from the tree

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