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Archive for February, 2016

Of Imbolc & Changes

ImbolcI gathered these images together as they represent to me this time of Imbolc (and in honor of Brigid). Candlelight representing Fire through a portal of intentions- as the light in the sky is increasing . Last week we had a brief melting and a wee sprout basked briefly in the sun surrounded by “rainbow sparkles” before again being covered in snow just before the temperatures dropped again. A sign of spring to come, the time to plant intentions for this “year”. Still standing, the remnants of a sunflower with its snow hat, icicle sparkles and rainbow prism- still feeding the winged ones while having spilt some of its seeds back to earth. A symbol of the seeds planted last year having grown still visible and of service while the new seeds lie in the frozen earth waiting as they hear the call of the seasons.

Change, turning of the seasons, celebrating Imbolc. That time in the northern hemisphere half way between winter solstice and spring equinox. The tipping point from “winter” to “spring”. Seeds still frozen in the arms of mother earth covered by a blanket of snow yet they feel the shift. It might be subtle but you can feel it. The light of day lasts a bit longer. The sun is just a bit higher in the sky- just enough that it radiates through the windows in the morning and evening- ohh that is a change I LIKE! That alone can make it worth shaking that sense of hibernation despite the cold. Winter is that opportunity to slow down, go within to find our own inner light. Its still cold here, really cold this week, not at all a sense of spring to come. Yet last weeks warmth gave a chance to bask in the sun, see the early risers peeking up from their blanket of snow, and listen to the drumming of icicles melting- at first slow then faster and faster. A hint of things to come as the rhythms were much like the way spring tends to show up. Imbolc- a time to feel faith rising that warm days are coming. A time to consider what seeds of intention you have (and will) planted. What do you want to see “spring” up in your life, what do you want to nourish and see bask in the sun-light, what do you want to harvest and celebrate this coming year?

Imbolc also know as (Saint;Goddes) Brigid’s day among many other names. A dear friend who has since passed introduced me to Brigid- goddess of light/fire, healing, and a warrior/protectress. So this time of year reminds me of both these wise women. My friend celebrated through circle dance- so today as the sunlight shines I dance in spirit with them to honor the earth, bless her and all who walk upon her. May we all respect this great mother earth whom nurtures us and helps us all to heal. Now back to snuggle deep in my blankets and watch as the sunrise sets the prism in the window dancing with rainbows. Perhaps change is ok, perhaps even quite wonder-filled.