Welcome to my space, I invite you to come join me, to see what it feels like to reconnect, to rediscover who you are and where you come from. To call forth the magic that is inside you by seeing it in front of you.

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Of Imbolc & Changes

ImbolcI gathered these images together as they represent to me this time of Imbolc (and in honor of Brigid). Candlelight representing Fire through a portal of intentions- as the light in the sky is increasing . Last week we had a brief melting and a wee sprout basked briefly in the sun surrounded by “rainbow sparkles” before again being covered in snow just before the temperatures dropped again. A sign of spring to come, the time to plant intentions for this “year”. Still standing, the remnants of a sunflower with its snow hat, icicle sparkles and rainbow prism- still feeding the winged ones while having spilt some of its seeds back to earth. A symbol of the seeds planted last year having grown still visible and of service while the new seeds lie in the frozen earth waiting as they hear the call of the seasons.

Change, turning of the seasons, celebrating Imbolc. That time in the northern hemisphere half way between winter solstice and spring equinox. The tipping point from “winter” to “spring”. Seeds still frozen in the arms of mother earth covered by a blanket of snow yet they feel the shift. It might be subtle but you can feel it. The light of day lasts a bit longer. The sun is just a bit higher in the sky- just enough that it radiates through the windows in the morning and evening- ohh that is a change I LIKE! That alone can make it worth shaking that sense of hibernation despite the cold. Winter is that opportunity to slow down, go within to find our own inner light. Its still cold here, really cold this week, not at all a sense of spring to come. Yet last weeks warmth gave a chance to bask in the sun, see the early risers peeking up from their blanket of snow, and listen to the drumming of icicles melting- at first slow then faster and faster. A hint of things to come as the rhythms were much like the way spring tends to show up. Imbolc- a time to feel faith rising that warm days are coming. A time to consider what seeds of intention you have (and will) planted. What do you want to see “spring” up in your life, what do you want to nourish and see bask in the sun-light, what do you want to harvest and celebrate this coming year?

Imbolc also know as (Saint;Goddes) Brigid’s day among many other names. A dear friend who has since passed introduced me to Brigid- goddess of light/fire, healing, and a warrior/protectress. So this time of year reminds me of both these wise women. My friend celebrated through circle dance- so today as the sunlight shines I dance in spirit with them to honor the earth, bless her and all who walk upon her. May we all respect this great mother earth whom nurtures us and helps us all to heal. Now back to snuggle deep in my blankets and watch as the sunrise sets the prism in the window dancing with rainbows. Perhaps change is ok, perhaps even quite wonder-filled.




Sharing a little earth magic and LOVE

The image is a collection of spirit messengers that greeted me and answered my questions as I went to the earth spaces to ground and reconnect. The following is the “story” of the objects in the photo.

Spirit GiftsCalled to the mountains and the rivers for a weekend of wandering and wondering. First mountain adventure found me climbing up a scree of rock and debris to sit under a lightning struck tree. As I clambered up I realized it might not be such a great idea so I asked spirit for a sign that this was a safe path for me (and that I was to trust my skills)- a rock called to me and as I picked it up I noticed it was an open geode with a small patch of orange colored crystals formed at one end (set just below the antler in the photo). I reached the tree and saw something scurry into a whole as I sat down to bask in the sun. A mouse was about gathering seeds and such around me as I attempted to become one with the tree. On the way back down- in a more circuitous route – I saw deer tracks and decided to follow their paths- with the first steps on their trail I found the shed antler peeking out from the mud! I meandered on the mountainside ‘till near sunset- following deer trails as they led me back down to the road – carrying my messengers of magic and love from the mountain.

The next day I was invited by a friend to explore her mountain and as we stepped gingerly over ice slicks and snow patches- my friend mentioned finding coins many times along this section- and a penny appeared at my feet!. Later as we danced across rocks of thawing spring streams and finding moose tracks and critter scat in bits of snow patches still covering the earth, we caught a trail free of ice and snow. In silent gratitude for some “easier” footing I looked down and found a heart rock! We wandered through aspen starting to bud sheltering us from the winds while letting us bask in the sun. Ahh, yet another great day of connection and grounding and spirit messengers of the abundance of love.

The third day I heeded the call of the river down below. Snow nearly gone, the river ice melted, and the earth turning to mud but ohhh the winged ones were having a ball! Again silent questions racing through my mind and again asking for a sign from my heart – looking down the bank I see one pristine feather- white with with some black – stunning in the sunlight just waiting for me. I tuned back in to the earth around me and heard the air filled with ducks calling as they swam along and those on the shores waddled down to join in leaving signs of spring behind for me to find (the small downy feathers and medium sized ones too). The geese were there too causing a bit of a ruckus and one small white feather gift on the shore as they chased the ducks off down the river once more. As I wandered the shoreline gathering downy duck feathers a woodpecker’s drumming added vibration to the chatter. I stopped to locate the source of the sound and after looking up I once again looked down- finding the stripped feathers a bit buried in mud. Not as fresh as the duck gifts but still magic to me (feathers in the center of the image). I sat in the sun on a low lying tree branch watching the wee woodpecker dig for dinner drumming its song on the bark of the tree. I thanked the river for the flowing of emotions released from within and the gifts of release from the winged residents and left the downy woodpecker drumming in the fading light of the day.



Frosty Wonders

frosty wondersYet another day where it’s just 0°F and already 10am… yet the sun becons and the river calls. So layered up and camera in the pocket to keep the battery warm I head out.

Oh that kind of cold where the first breath in through the nose (to warm the air before hitting your lungs you know) and all the nostril hairs instantly freeze! and as the first breath is released into the air the steam catches on my eyelashes and freezes into miniature prisms that the sunlight dances on. YES it is a magical adventure already.

Down at the river the days of cold have formed a hard shell in the narrows but the river will not be tamed so easily and pushes past releasing waves of steam that dance on the open waters flowing in the sun, sparkeling with delight. The willows red/yellow stalks now coated in frosty ice shimmer in the morning sun fantastic fractals bursting off each stalk. Snow flakes or ice crystals captured on the frozen surface near the edge seem to dance in the sun. And a rock creature covered in the winter white blanket seems to venture tentatively into the mists dancing on the waters..

Ah yes toes and fingers loosing feeling but heart and soul dancing with the joy and wonders of sun, wind, water and earth– heading home for a mug of hot tea- smiling all the while behind the scarf keeping my nose warm. Even on the coldest of cold days the earth dances in the joy of life.

Moab bound- full weekend show!!


The holiday weekend traditionally announcing the beginning of summer is nearly upon us and for me I will be celebrating with folks from all over the world who come to Moab Utah to play, stay and enjoy the amazing scenery and outdoor playgrounds for biking, hiking, AND the Moab Arts Festival!!! It is my first opportunity to have a booth and hang out my  stories and photos on canvases, on cards, in a book, etc. I am putting the final pieces together and then space-engineering it all into my car to head on down the road. I am frozen with excitement (aka FEAR) and in great gratitude that I choose this path for this part of my lifewalk. I have soooo much I want to take and show and offer, and yet want to simplify and create a portal through which folks will get to know me and what I have to offer- beyond what is hanging in the booth. So anyone headed to southern utah for their holiday weekend I invite you to come to Swanny Park in Moab UT to enjoy the festival and of course come by and say hi!. It is free and hours are Sat May 24 10am-7pm and Sunday May 25 10am-6pm.


Wee Wonders of the Mountain, finding gratitude for the rains

  RainWeeWonderOk, So the snow is melting and spring has come to the higher elevations in my world… and considering we have such a dry climate, a few days straight of rain gets everything up and growing and adds some amazing colors too! So it is time to come out of the cave and get out on the mountain! In preparation for a workshop we have “thought” about all winter, Julie and I went up on the mountain and had our own “planning”workshop… The rain made me a bit nervous with my new camera, but new and old and a raincoat to shelter both- and up the trail we headed… I think we made it all of 20ft before the “ohhh, ahhh, WOW’s started along with the clicking of the cameras! I found great gratitude for the rains- not only did they bring out the brilliant colors of the wee plants drinking from the heavens, but they brought out sparkling gems seldom seen in our world- water droplets held ever so gently  by leaves budding forth- delicate crystal spheres held with grace, gratitude and reverence. And so we too wandered in wonder capturing little miracles and bits of magic happening all around us.

And so it is that I will be co-leading a workshop on the mountain June 2, 2013 … teaching, facilitating and watching folks connect to the magic and wonder of the mountain and see what shows itself to them to capture in an image- to take with them as a portal back to the moment of magic they created- and the sensations of the earth.

We would love to have you come join us, if the day/time does not work for you let us know you are interested as we intend this to be the beginning of opportunities… and always know you have all you need within you and around you to connect and capture the magic of the wee wonders of the world!

for more info and details see the “Connect & Capture Workshop” tab on this webpage or go to https://www.facebook.com/events/570792989610624/



It’s all practice- or permission for imperfection

Well, I recently completed a 7month workshop with a great group of folks (3 amazing coaches 12 courageous participants). As with many things- the ending was a stepping stone to a beginning. We finished the workshop creating a workshop (I know- a bit of a brainbender) in what was the most magical whirl of collaboration, creativity and just plain awesome teamwork in a grace-and-ease that could not have been dreamed of. As it turns out we decided it was such a resounding success for us individually and as a group that we knew we would be working together again (and again) without knowing what that would look like. And so here we are- working together again, each on our own learning curves, facing our fears, bouncing with excitement- all in putting together our first teleseminar series!! We came up with our intention, set a theme, started working on the details of what and when and how. Each of us in our own rhythms and tides, offering skills and talents where they best fit, giving feedback, getting stuck, small panics and the inevitable “hold that email!” oops’s- knowing it is our first attempt at something like this and the biggest hurdles seem to be “but I am not ready, it is not ready, where do I start”- and so we each give ourselves and each other permission to be imperfect- so we can take those steps forward knowing we can “tweek” (upgrade???) the big errors and let the others slide on the learning curve.. but stepping through our fears and worries into action and support. So here we are, today 2 days before we go LIVE… and in my “frozen excitement” (aka fear) of being FIRST… I find myself writing this post- to share the journey of this adventure to this point. And so..

YOU are invited to join us starting September (WEDNESDAY) 19, 2012 at 5:30pm PT (6:30pm MT, etc) for the first of our 6 week FREE teleconference series called Simple Tools for TRANSFORMATION! You can even follow us on our facebook page which includes event reminders (www.facebook.com/pages/The-Transformation-Divas/406257369435464). To get the details and signup for the  phone number and FREE access code click on the image below and follow the “click here to get access” link.

A reminder to …. look up

Looking up a branch off Grandmother Aspen tree… the simple act of Looking UP gave a vision with so many messages

This image was taken during a  visit to an aspen tree (named Grandmother Tree) on a mountain (named Magic Mountain) near Old La Sal Utah.

While sitting on the earth surrounding her trunk, mired it my “stuff” I took a few deep cleansing breaths, became present to the space I was in and looked up… and captured the magic of the moment in this image.

I remember back to years back when I ventured on a backpacking trip with a small group of folk through the Sierra Nevada range- walking the John Muir trail from the Yosemite Valley south… We started our journey carrying what we needed and then some- you know- the “in case of ___” and “just a few things for comfort” stuff, proud of how much we whittled out of our packs we set off. For me (and most of us) our packs weighed a few pounds more than 50% of my body weight- for a girl coming from sea-level hiking up over 8,000ft nearly each day of the first 3 days- it was TOOO much and all I remember seeing of the amazing world around me was my feet! We lightened our loads the next day and I walked with the intent to look around, enjoy the magic and every now and then look up finding spectacular mountain peaks, sunsets, trees and stars!

And so I am reminded me of how often I tread through life carrying such a heavy load that my eyes are fixated on putting one foot in front of the other… until I remember- to breathe, just breathe and then look UP! the small shift of my focus has always lead to a magical view… so I can choose to remember to look up… and see my world expand through a new portal of “see-ing”.

For more images and messages from Grandmother aspen please check out my new book- The Wisdom of Grandmother Tree on the BLURB website http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/3458373